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After finished this project, I've learnt more about how IT apply into the world business. POS system is one of the example that using IT knowledge to make the business running with a lower cost and have higher efficiency. Without the POS system, everything trade in or out may cost a lot which the employee of our business, Cloudson, may required to using paper to record and searching the price of the products through a list. This is easier to having error when every process were done by human.
My job is to finish most of the part of the POS system with python in this project. This made me need to have more knowledge about the python language to finish the programming. Simultaneously, this is also a great chance to create a force that pull me to study and learn more about this programming language. Although this is a very tough process to me that I normally didn't work hard on programming, this still let me found a lot pleasure when I was working.
Programming is not just extracting codes from others and combine. It also include a lot of logic and the basic idea of computer. The computer will never do something wrong or run error by itself. Every error from computer are created by human.Fixing the error in the computer is what we need to do when something goes wrong. This procedure cost me most of the time when I doing programming. What computers do is just follow the commands from human. That's why I admire and have impression in programming.

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